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Yastika Shetty

Design + Research


Organically drawn towards expanding my understanding of humanity, my creative best shows when crafting something for others.

My goal is to help people engage with reality instead of escaping it, by designing to empower experiences.

Human Centered Design has equipped me to hone my craft : To design products, services and systems that democratises resources via principles of accessibility and seamlessness.

In addition, I am a stickler for process and planning methodology is my playground. This is what makes Experience Design and Research my forte. 


The portfolio on this website aims to communicate these words through my work.



Participatory Design

Social Design

Design Thinking

By collaborating with the local Commercial Painter community,  'Sonderiya' explor­es the themes of leadership, prosperity and love in relation to education and gender roles of Bidar via street art.

Urban of, by and for the Rural

Design Anthropology

Design Thinking

Experience Design

'Urban of, by, and for the Rural' addresses the irony of urban designers solving rural problems by designing Empathy Chambers for designers/artists about rural problems. Here, the Empathy Chamber addresses the topic of the Indian Agrarian Crisis and the urban myths of prosperity that surround it.

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Speculative Design

Design Fiction

Short Film

Individual talents would have more value in a horizontal hierarchical system but how competitive does that make the work environment?


With the speculation that

Co-working spaces, offered by homes, local houses or dedicated companies, become the hub for corporate work, how would that affect a human being in 2027?

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Analysing the
UX Heuristics Evaluation Method Part I

UI/UX Design

Usability Testing

Design Research

Was something missing about the whole process of using UX heuristics ? We decided to understand.

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Analysing the UX Heuristics Evaluation Method Part II

UI/UX Design

Usability Testing

Design Research

Was something missing about the whole process of using UX heuristics ? We decided to understand.

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Six ways to kill a man |
War of Choices

Interactive Art Installation

Design Fiction

This interactive art installation is a design fiction game that revolves around the story that WW3 would be an IT war where Nations target satellites using magnetic forces to destroy their integrity.


How will they avoid doomsday  when the biggest risk here is the destruction of satellites that the new age functions on ?




Creative Education

Mandali is a student run and managed theatre group that was founded in 2015 under the initiative of SSociety, which was a platform at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and, Technology to promote student initiatives. 

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Hello :)

I love curious people

Santacruz, Mumbai, India

Email: | Tel: +91 8108229111

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